Enrichment Offerings

At Little Angels we offer Enrichment classes in the afternoon to support and extend what the children are learning in the classroom. These classes are held from 12:30 - 3:00 pm. There is a minimum of five children enrolled to hold the class. 
Kitchen Creations  (2 & 3 year olds)
This interactive cooking class will give children the opportunity to mix and measure as they create, experiment and taste food items they make using simple ingredients found in the kitchen. *This class will use nut-free items only and will take into considreation other food allergies.  This class is available for daily sign-up or as a year long commitment.

Hooked on Books ( 4 year olds)
This class will give the children an introduction to children's literature in a creative way. They will focus on a book a week, doing art, drama and activities related to the story.  This class is available for daily sign-up or as a year long commitment

Storybook Friends ( 2 & 3 year olds)
This class will give the children an introduction to children's literature in a creative way. They will focus on a book a week, doing art, drama and activities related to the story. 

Pre-K  Enrichment (4 year olds)
This class will focus on kindergarten readiness skills; ie: writing, number recognition, counting and fine motor skills. The class will also focus on the independent skills necessary to be in kindergarten.  This class is available for daily sign-up or as a year long commitment

Let's Get Messy (2 & 3 year olds)
This class is a place to get messy with all kinds of different materials!  Messy art and sensory experiences that parents would NOT want to do at home!  This will be a mixed age class.  This class is available for daily sign-up or as a year long commitment.

All "STEAMed" Up (4 year olds)
The children will have the opportunity to have hands on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math experiences.  Each child will be able to put his/her ideas into action.  They will explore, question, hypothesize, and problem solve through the interaction with real things in the environment.  Instilling an interest in any of these fields at an early age can spark a lasting desire to learn more and to develop a child's intellectual learning that will enhance their experiences throughout their education.  This class is available for daily sign up or as a year long commitment.

Let's Get Crafty! ( 2 & 3 year olds)

In this class children will use their creativity to create all different kinds of crafts using a wide range of craft supplies. This class helps develop a child's fine motor skills and give him/her the opporutnity to be creative! 

Jolly Phonics (4 years old)
This class will continue the Jolly Phonics lessons presented in the fours classes each week.  The children will learn the 26 main letter sounds, use different multi-sensory methods to form and write the letters and learn how to blend the sounds together to read and write new words.  Each lesson builds on the previous week's lesson.  This class is available for a year long commitment. (This is a repeat of the Monday class)

Monday - Friday:
Lunch Pals Program
Our lunch program is separate from our daily preschool program. The program is optional and runs every day of the week that we are in school from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm. It is open to our currently enrolled Two, Three & Four year olds. This is a non-academic, purely social experience for children. Social skills are emphasized and friendship building facilitated. Children are encouraged to enjoy their friends and share their interests.